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Mold Removal

Living in Alaska we are no strangers to mold problems in our homes.


Wherever moisture lurks, mold can grow. You have probably seen it in your basement, attic, under sinks, and on the walls.


No matter if the mold is red, green, white and fuzzy, or black, it can cause a variety of health issues depending on the person.


Don't let mold ruin the integrity of your home (or business) and lower the resale value of your home.


Don't tackle mold on your own. The technicians at J&J Cleaning are certified in the Goldmorr System and trained in proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). 

Attic Mold Remediation

Image by Mika Baumeister

Don't forget about your attic!


Did you forget to look in the attic when you were buying your home? Maybe the home inspector got to it before you did and...surprise....there's mold. 


But that doesn't mean you should give up your dream home. Let J&J cleaning's team remove stubborn mold so you can focus on more fun tasks like rearranging furniture.


In addition to cleaning mold, we can advise on how to prevent it from coming back by identifying the real issue.


We know that the problem can be directly linked to wet building materials, inadequate ventilation, bird blocks blocked with insulation, vents not properly attached while venting to the attic creating moisture and humidity, etc.


So if you are looking for mold clean-up, call us today.


J & J Cleaning does not test for mold spores or determine the type of mold in the home. 

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